Halton 公平与多元化圆桌会议 (HEDR) 是一项社区范围的倡议,由致力于在 Halton 建立系统包容性和公平性的组织、机构、团体、企业和个人社区成员组成。
我们是 Halton 的社区资源,用于共享信息和协调有关如何制定更具包容性和公平性的政策、实践和服务的培训。
我们致力于发展一个社区,在这个社区中,个人因其多样性而受到重视,受到尊重,并被赋予充分发挥潜力的能力。 我们希望开发一个热情、包容的 Halton 社区,每个人都想在这里生活、工作和娱乐。
发展人类服务组织的能力,通过知识、技能和关系建设促进 Halton 的公平和包容。
一个包容的社区,在 这里个人受到重视、尊重和赋权。
价值观和原则是 HEDR 在社区开展工作的关键。 圆桌会议承诺至少每年审查一次这些价值观,因为它们将指导圆桌会议的工作和方向。
我们相信促进多样性和平等机会以实现边缘化群体的公平是 Halton 的一项关键人权。
Our 4 Pillars
The purpose of the Halton Equity and Diversity Roundtable is to provide the leadership and structure to achieve the following objectives:
To identify and highlight examples of excellence in diversity and equity related practices in Halton.
To promote public awareness and education strategies to address equity and diversity issues in our community.
To collect information on promising practices and activities in other communities and customize them for use and implementation in Halton.
To advocate for inclusive practices throughout Halton.
In all the Roundtable’s activities we will be collaborative and inclusive in all of our efforts.
The Halton Equity and Diversity Roundtable (HEDR) was officially formed in March 2013 as a result of multiple community consultations. A conference sponsored by the Knowledge Transfer Committee of the Children’s Mental Health and Developmental Service agencies of Halton in March 2012 highlighted the community’s request for more resources, training, and support on how to address the needs of the growing diverse populations in Halton and sparked the creation of a diversity committee.
The activities of the diversity committee culminated in a community forum being arranged in 2013. The result was that 65 people representing service agencies, diversity groups and individuals across Halton answered the call to action and formed the Halton Equity and Diversity Roundtable.