只有提高社区对公平相关问题的理解,才能形成一个热情、包容和公平的社区。 Halton股权与多样性圆桌会议(HEDR)致力于开发和分享;他们自己的资源(例如我们自己在荷顿的成员机构的有前途的做法和策略)和来自其他社区的资源(例如我们的成员推荐并发现有用的其他组织开发的实用工具和技巧)

由 HEDR 的资源工作组开发的组织自我评估工具评估有关公平、多样性和包容性的实践和组织文化。该工具提供基准测试和行动计划 。

HALTON 多样性资源指南
该资源目录旨在提高认识并为种族化居民提供资源。 本文件的目标是为荷顿地区的原住民、黑人和其他种族化居民提供获取满足其需求的资源的机会;促进包容,填补他们无法获得的资源缺口。

2022 年 HALTON 报告中的归属感和种族身份
The COVID-19 pandemic has deepened existing inequalities in Canada. It has hit Indigenous, Black and other racialized communities the hardest across Canada, including in Halton Region. The pandemic has disproportionally impacted them with grave socio-economic implications.
Against this backdrop, the Halton Equity and Diversity Roundtable (HEDR), with funding from the United Way Halton & Hamilton (UWH&H) and Halton Region, has embarked on the Social Inclusion Project.
The project’s goal is to provide Halton Region’s Indigenous, Black and other racialized residents with the opportunity to discuss challenges they experienced before and as a result of the pandemic by engaging them in community consultations, surveys and a resident-led working group.